The Pine Creek Apartments
We are dedicated to sharing information and taking action against urban development in our neighborhood to protect our community. Our mission is to preserve the natural beauty and integrity of Pine Creek Village by advocating for sustainable development and opposing destructive practices. Join us in our fight to protect our environment and community!
History And Now
In May 2023, the Pine Creek neighborhood became aware of a proposed apartment development at the corner of Royal Pine Drive and Union Blvd. The community immediately organized and began researching the potential impacts of this development. Our goal is, at a minimum, to mitigate any negative impacts to our community.
The Developer
Based out of Portland, Oregon, DBG Properties has two primary businesses; DBG Construction and GSL Property Management. DBG builds and manages multiple properties in the Western US and Canada. Their local presence is the Academy Heights Apartments in Colorado Springs, CO.
For questions regarding the Royal Pines Apartments, please email:
Eric Grodhal - egrodahl@dbgpropertiesllc.com
Tim McConnell - tmcconnell@drexelbarrell.com
Resources to learn more
The community of Pine Creek Village has put together a resource library for everyone to learn more about the Pine Creek Apartments and what the potential impacts will be. We will all achieve more and make a greater difference if we are educated about the project. Please click the link below to explore the resources we have gathered.
The City
If the project requires review and final decision by either the City Planning Commission or City Council, the project will follow the process described here. City Planning Commission renders the final decision on conditional use, use variance, and development plan.
The City Planning Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on all zone change requests, annexations, and master plans; City Council renders the final decision in these cases.
The public hearing process aligns with the administrative review process during the pre-application and internal review stages. The difference occurs during the final disposition stage when the public hearing process requires the application to be heard by the City Planning Commission and/or the City Council.
Prior to the public hearing(s), the planner prepares a staff report and schedules the item for the appropriate Commission and/or Council meeting. As with all administrative decisions, final decisions made by the City Planning Commission are appealable to the City Council. The appeal paperwork and required fee must be filed with the Office of the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the City Planning Commission hearing.
Please see the following links for additional information:
21 March 2024
PPCV's attorney filed an appeal with the 4th District Court. There are various steps which will take place by 6 July 2024 only after which the courts will decide to hear our appeal in court or dismiss it.
26 February 2024
City Council denied PPCV's appeal of the Planning Commission's decision despite surmountable evidence this will be detrimental to our neighborhood.
10 January 2024
Planning Commission Hearing starting at 9:00 am. The Royal Pines Apartments are item 7a on the agenda and, because it's a rolling schedule, it's unsure when citizen comments will be. See the agenda.
16 December 2023
PCVA Traffic congestion study @ 9:30 am at the Royal Pine and Union exit. (Postponed from Dec 9th due to snow). If you would like to participate, please sign up here or show up near the Dentist office!
25 August 2023
Listing Tour stop for District 2 hosted by Mayor Yemi Mobalade and City Council, 5:30pm at Pikes Peak State College. You must register for the event! Find more information and register on the Listening Tour page.
03 August 2023
City-facilitated neighborhood meeting from 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday at Library 21c. If you have questions about this meeting, please contact Katelynn Wintz (Katelynn.Wintz@ColoradoSprings.gov).
02 August 2023
Submission deadline for comments and concerns regarding the concept plans resubmitted on 7/20/2023 for the Royal Pines Apartment. Please send all concerns to Logan Hubble - logan.hubble@coloraodsprings.gov
20 July 2023
Core Neighborhood Team meeting at the 21C Library, time 6:30pm.
17 July 2023
Deadline to submit comments to the Land Use Review Division, send comments to Logan Hubble - logan.hubble@coloraodsprings.gov
06 July 2023
DBG will host a neighborhood meeting from 6:00pm - 7:30pm MST at the 21C Library.
03 July 2023
Deadline to submit comments and concerns regarding the proposed concept change. Please send all concerns to Logan Hubble - logan.hubble@coloraodsprings.gov
20 June 2023
DBG hosted a virtual community information meeting on their company and the project. Residents raised concerns and Mr. Grodahl (DBG) stated he would be a long-term owner and stay engaged.
13 June 2023
The City sent a concept plan postcard to approximately 60 homes (those within 1,000 ft of the project).
13 June 2023
Several neighbors spoke in opposition to this decision at the City Council meeting. Ultimately, the City Council voted to approve their intent to issue the bonds.
05 June 2023
Nearly 200 Pine Creek residents met at the Library for an informal initial information meeting on the project.
22 May 2023
Steve Posey (Housing Development) briefed the project to City Council at a council working session.
13 February 2023
DBG entered into a contract with BG Properties (plot owners) to purchase the land for $7,361,204.00